The benefits of meditating in a group


The benefits of attending a regular group meditation

Attending a regular group meditation is a really powerful adjunct to your personal  meditation.  Individual meditation is,  of course, also extremely important, but meditating in a group with like minded, spiritual people will give you the inspiration and joy to continue the journey of self-transcendence and inner perfection throughout your life.   It is like anything else.  If you exercise with friends it is easier, if you do yoga in a group it is easier, if you meditate in a group it is easier.   Whilst online meditation courses and apps can be extremely beneficial, they are no replica for being with a group of sincere aspirants all entering into the ocean of peace together.  🙂

In Perth, the Sri Chinmoy Centre has a regular meditation group. Our meditations consist of breathing exercises, visualisations,  music for meditation, mantra and many other techniques . We use a variety of venues around Perth and cover the cost of our classes ourselves,  so we can offer our classes as a free community service.    There is no charge for any of our meditation classes or coming to our regular Sri Chinmoy Perth meditation group.

So you are warmly invited to come along to any of our  meditation classes.   They are usually one night a week for three or four weeks. Alternatively, you can begin or continue your meditation journey at one of free weekend meditation workshops. It is like going on a meditation retreat without leaving the metropolitan area! Meditation can help you reduce stress, learn about spirituality and improve your health and well being. You just have to begin!

“Life is a golden opportunity.  The sooner we realise it, the better!”   ~ Sri Chinmoy