January 18 South Perth Saturday Meditation Workshop


The holiday and Christmas period can be so hectic. Why not start 2025 on the right foot by attending a meditation workshop in the New Year?

The workshop covers many topics including concentration, breathing techniques, visualisation, mantra and music as well as art and meditation. Interspersed by group discussion and a lunch break you will have  a great day and feel the benefits. It is like going on a retreat all in one day! You will learn the necessary tools to incorporate meditation into your daily activities and enjoy the benefits of meditation in a group. Registration is necessary.

What exactly is meditation?

Meditation is something you will experience and is hard to explain but in short meditation is a practice of silencing your thoughts and diving deeper within. Into your heart and a sea of peace and joy. It is both an ancient tradition and a modern technique that transcends cultural and religious boundaries. At its core, meditation involves cultivating awareness and concentration, and discovering  inner peace and joy within.

There are many meditation paths. Ultimately they will take you to the same goal. It always helps if they are free, sincere and have a group meditation involved on a regular basis. It is much easier and you will get strength with like minded people who are similarly inspired.

The South Perth workshop will introduce you to this ancient Eastern tradition for our Western lives.

Weekend Workshop South Perth

Saturday 18 January 10am-2.30pm (break for lunch)
South Perth Senior Citizens Centre, 53 Coode St